Sunday, January 16, 2011


I can't say that I actually enjoy eating bananas. Bananas straight up kind of make me feel nauseous, which is more than a little unfortunate. So suffice it to say, whenever I actually buy bananas, they typically do not get eaten. At least not by me.

However, the great thing about bananas is that they have an incredibly long shelf life. As soon as they start getting too mushy to want to just eat them, they are still good. And even longer after that. The riper they get, the sweeter they taste. And just before you get ready to throw them away you should stop and consider your options.

I'm talking banana bread, people. I'm talking muffins. I'm talking mini banana loaves that you can take to work and share with your coworkers. I'm talking about taking something that you're about to throw away and bringing it back to life again in a wonderfully delicious baked good kind of way.

And you can put almost anything into banana bread and make it even better. Walnuts. Raisins. Dried cranberries. Chocolate chips. Orange zest. My grandmother even tops her banana walnut bread with maple flavored frosting. (If you have never tried this, I highly recommend that you do. It is amazing and delicious, and I would not steer you wrong.)

Unfortunately, I haven't bought bananas in a very long time. Luckily in the grocery store I work in, they have 'Reduced Produce.' Produce that is still good, but not as good as the really fresh stuff they just put on the shelf. Out of all the things we sell as 'Reduced Produce,' bananas are probably the only thing I buy. Usually when I am craving banana bread. And they are just about that perfect stage of ripeness where you could just take them home and make perfect bread with. This way, you don't forget about your bananas for too long and find them weeks later after they've gone well past the Point of No Return.

Plus you get a whole bunch of bananas for about a dollar. Not too shabby, right?

Tomorrow's agenda: Banana bread with and without walnuts. Possibly muffins, as well. (I bought a lot of bananas for two bucks!)

Tonight for dinner:

I have some boneless skinless chicken thighs that I'm not too sure what to do with. I'm thinking of stuffing them with some spinach and mushrooms? More on that later. Possible Guideline Recipe if all turns out well.

We'll let you know how they turn out!
-The Muffin Top

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