Wednesday, January 12, 2011

First Things First

My name is Andrea, although most people call me 'Drea' for short. I am a twenty-two year old foodie, currently living in Connecticut with my wonderful boyfriend. Just last night, I received a very late Christmas gift from him. Weeks before Christmas, he had ordered something for me online, and it never came. Last night, after I came home from work, it was sitting on our back step:

It was a Kitchenaid Mixer.

I still cannot put into words how excited it was to open this thing. I still cannot put into words how incredibly extravagant it was to receive something that was so amazing. Little does my boyfriend know, in buying me this top of the line electric mixer, he has essentially just asked me to marry him. I don't think he knows that this has happened, yet. I'll let him know once I've set a date.

The next day (today, rather) I was talking to a friend of mine. Mostly about my mixer, and how awesome it is. And she suggested that since I love to cook, and I love to bake, and since I am so geeky about both of them, I should start a blog. And so I have.

Now, don't go thinking "Well, she's just trying to be the next Julie and Julia." As much as I would love to cook my way through Julia Child's cookbook, or any other general cook book, I couldn't. Even if I wanted to. I would run into some serious roadblocks when it came to the seafood sections. A foodie and kitchen junkie with a food allergy: It is a nightmare come to life.

This is a blog about my cooking experiences. Learning and growing in the kitchen, and all of my lessons along the road to being an amateur cook. Along with any of the screw-ups I may will encounter. 

So this is it.
Today's project:

A golden yellow layer cake, topped with chocolate butter cream frosting.

Stay tuned for the results!
-The Muffin Top


  1. OMG. I claim your first comment... and ps. if that cake is awesome, as it sounds, and not for someone else, I totally want some tomorrow... Just saying.

  2. BALLS. Jess got the first one. EPIC FAIL.
