Friday, January 14, 2011

Results: Yellow Cake

In a move surprising no one, the Kitchenaid Mixer performed amazingly and made the job to getting that cake together a breeze. It took half the time that it normally does, and gave the batter a more even texture all around. I've never been more impressed with a kitchen widget as I am with this one. Although 'kitchen widget' doesn't even begin to describe. It is more like 'industrial strength kitchen BADASS' if you ask me.

So moving right along.

The yellow cake that I made on Wednesday came out... not as expected. I have a problem with always wanting to change the recipes that I have in order to change the outcome of the product. I always have a vision of 'better' in my head. That isn't to say that it came out awful. Far from it. It was delicious, actually.

The cake recipe I have for this particular yellow cake calls for an entire cup of butter (That is two sticks for you following at home) and it comes out as a very dry cake. Its okay with the right kind of frosting. However, I've noticed that when I use oil instead of butter, my cakes come out fluffier. So I decided to go half and half. I used half the butter I normally would have, and made up the rest of the fat content with veggie oil. I didn't want to nix the butter entirely because I still wanted that buttery flavor in the cake.

I did not achieve the desired effect. It was not light and fluffy, however it was rich and moist. And very, very dense. I created a kind of pound cake. Which I'm still not entire sure is a bad thing. Pound cake can be very useful. And I'll have to make a note of it in my recipe notebook for the next time that pound cake is required.

The frosting also did not come out as I had hoped, because I clearly added too little milk to the mixture. But it was still delicious. I think I should start taking actual measurements of ingredients when I make my frosting. I never do. Especially for chocolate butter cream.

Take some butter, melt it down. Add cocoa powder until desired chocolatyness has been achieved. Add confectioners sugar until you have reached appropriate volume of frosting. Splash of milk to make it spreadable.

I really have no form of measurement for frosting. "Mix all things that go into frosting together until it becomes delicious."

It was delicious. But it hardened up into almost a chocolate shell around the cake. Very delicious. Not what I was going for, however.

Oh well.
I have notes for next time, at least.
And delicious cake in the meantime.

-The Muffin Top


  1. NOM. May I suggest you get testers for these experiments? And may I volunteer to be one?

  2. Of course you may be a volunteer for testing. The job pays in cake. Please be sure to fill out the forms appropriately. And please be sure to get your application for 'Official Tester' in before the deadline, as there is limited space available for testers in your area.

    If you have any further questions, please stop by my office and speak with my secretary.
