Thursday, January 20, 2011

Results: Stuffed Chicken Thighs

All in all, I think they turned out pretty okay. Except for the one piece of chicken my boyfriend got. It was a little bit bigger than the other ones, and wasn't quite cooked all the way. I can't believe I made that mistake! Luckily, a little more heat to it made it just right. So the crisis was averted pretty easily.

For those wanting the recipe, here is a loose idea of what I did:

4 boneless skinless chicken thighs
2 cloves garlic
1 8oz package of sliced mushrooms (cleaned)
1 package of fresh spinach
Veggie Oil
Milk (or cream. Your choice.)
Salt + Pepper to taste

In a large skillet, I sauteed half of the package of mushrooms in two tablespoons of butter. As they started to brown, I added in two cloves of garlic, roughly chopped. When the mushrooms had started to caramelize, I added in the whole package of spinach. (Washed, of course.) Cooked until wilted and delicious. Salt and pepper to taste.

Set that aside to cool a little bit.

I lay out the chicken thighs between two cutting boards and flattened them with a meat mallet. This gives you a little bit more room to work with the chicken for the rolling. Seasoned the insides with a little bit of salt and pepper.

I then flipped them over -working with the inside of the thighs now  - I stuffed them with the spinach and mushroom mixture from earlier. Right down the middle there. If you're making this at home, make sure you don't over stuff your thighs! Otherwise they won't close! (Get your mind out of the gutter! I'm talking about the chicken, here.) Rolled them shut, and secured them with toothpicks.

In a medium nonstick pan, heat a splash of veggie oil. Sear the outsides of the chicken thighs. It gets a little difficult to do with the stuffing and the toothpicks. However, I recommend using a good pair of tongs to help get the job done. Searing the outside helps to lock in the flavor of the chicken, and helps to keep it moist in the cooking process.

After all sides have been properly seared, stick those bad boys on an oven sheet (lined with foil for easy clean up if so desired) and put them in a 350degree oven. About 20-25 minutes. That is just a rough time frame. Cooking varies from oven to oven. So make sure you check your work before you serve. Unlike me.

While the chicken was baking, I boiled some potatoes and made a mushroom cream sauce to top the chicken.

In a small saucepan, I melted down three tablespoons of butter over medium heat and cooked down the other half of the mushrooms. After they have properly browned, I added in a little bit of milk. I don't really have an amount for you. Just add enough so that you have enough sauce for all your chicken. Maybe about a cup. I also added a little bit of water. Because we didn't have a sufficient amount of milk left to make my chicken sauce.But we're not talking about that.

Moving right along!

When your base is all hot and bubbly, add a little bit of Wondra (you can also use flour, but trust me. Wondra is much better.) while stirring constantly. Add until desired thickness of sauce. Salt and pepper to taste.

When the potatoes are done, drain well and then whip into a frenzy. Season as desired. I just use a little bit of butter. Sometimes a dash of pepper. My boyfriend made the potatoes for me, so I'm no sure what went into them that night. But boy! Were they delicious!

Serve chicken next to potatoes. Top with mushroom sauce. Serve.

Like I said: Aside from the ONE piece that my boyfriend got, it was all pretty darn delicious. And as long as you remove the toothpicks, you should be golden and get a Delicious Award for a meal well prepared.

On another note, the banana muffins have not yet made it into existence. They have been put off so I can bring them in to work on Saturday, weather permitting. They will be made on Friday night.

Hopefully they will come out as delicious as I think they will.
-The Muffin Top

1 comment:

  1. If you're making this at home, make sure you don't over stuff your thighs! Otherwise they won't close! (Get your mind out of the gutter! I'm talking about the chicken, here.)

    This is my favorite part.
